

Smart Engines scientists have found a way to improve the efficiency of neural networks by 40%

Scientists from AI-company Smart Engines have found a way to increase the efficiency of neural networks. The method is based on a fundamentally new quantization scheme, which increases the speed of operations by 40%. The research results were published in MDPI «Mathematics» (Q1). This is a breakthrough in the optimization…


Smart Engines reported on the scientific activity in the AI field in 2023

In 2023, Smart Engines, a market leader in the recognition of documents, reported significant scientific achievements. The organization’s researchers published 41 science papers in international academic editions and obtained 6 patents. Additionally, they presented over 20 reports at various conferences and made several scientific discoveries. Four scientific articles  were published…


Smart Engines has introduced technology that allows facial verification without biometrics

Scientists from Smart Engines have presented a new artificial intelligence-based technology that can be used to authenticate users. This technology is particularly relevant due to the recent European Union AI regulation law. On March 13, the European Union approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, a world-first comprehensive regulation for AI systems.…


Smart Engines has created an AI for multi-object recognition and protection against fraudsters

The Smart Engines company has introduced an AI capable of recognizing many documents in a single frame, up to dozens. This new system will help banks, microfinance organizations, and other fintech companies not only streamline the customer journey through the identification process but also protect themselves from fraudulent attacks. It…


Scientists from Smart Engines have trained AI to check authenticity of passports from all countries

Scientists from the AI-company Smart Engines have trained an AI to detect passport forgeries from all countries and jurisdictions in the world. The anti-fraud system is able to check not only the photo page, but also all pages of documents. The AI solution with patented algorithms will help reduce the…


AI developer Smart Engines introduced 18 new technologies in 2023

Smart Engines, a technological leader in the document recognition market, presented 18 new AI underlying technologies for its four products in 2023 – Smart ID Engine, Smart Code Engine, Smart Document Engine and Smart Tomo Engine. The company has proven its main approach Science First: in the past year, Smart…


Smart Engines has enhanced its AI system capable of detecting forged documents through holograms

The AI developer at Smart Engines has improved the functionality of its software product for recognizing and verifying the authenticity of identification documents. This system allows extracting the data from passports and ID cards in a matter of seconds, as well as verifying their authenticity, particularly by detecting holographic protection.…


Smart Engines trained AI to see hidden spaces and patented its technology in the USA

Smart Engines has received an American patent for another one of its proprietary inventions. With its help, AI can restore the parameters of three-dimensional space from a two-dimensional image. Smart Engines scientists have proposed using Hough Transforms as layers of a neural network, making it better at computer vision tasks,…


The new version of Smart ID Engine recognizes Korean 15% better

Smart Engines presented a new version of the Smart ID Engine, a system for scanning ID cards, passports, driving licenses, and other identity documents. It has expanded the list of supported documents: now there are more than 2500 types. Among many improvements, Smart ID Engine 2.2.0 raised the recognition accuracy…


Smart Engines scientists have found a way to stop AI and patented their technology in the USA

The Smart Engines company has found an answer to one of the most pressing questions in the field of AI today — when the work of artificial intelligence should be stopped. Scientists have proposed a decision to stop AI not based on already received data, but grounded on a forecast…

Our customers

Smart Engines rolls out its AI-driven software in super app


Travizory Border Security selected Smart Engines product for identification documents scanning


iDenfy Upgrades Its Identity Verification Technology with Smart Engines solutions


SignD Unified Onboarding Platform uses Smart Engines AI-solution to OCR credit cards

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